Tennessee Silencer
Making Tennessee a quieter place.

Call Us 865-603-4214
E-mail Us: sales@tennesseesilencer.com
We are a gunstore located in Seymour Tennessee with some of the best Class 3 experts in Tennessee. We shoot silencers everyday with our customers. In the course of a year we test thousands of different silencer and gun combos, and so we are uniquely suited to make a recommendation for you suppressor needs. We will help you buy the correct silencer the first time and save you money in the long run. And when it comes to doing your class 3 paperwork you want someone who does as many forms as possible so they know what they are doing. This is not our weekend job. If you investigate our internet ratings on google and facebook you will see that our years of previous happy customers from Knoxville to Memphis are our best form of advertising.

We are a class 3 dealer that stocks guns and ammo, as well as NFA items like silencers, short barreled rifles, and transferable machineguns. We can do direct sales and transfers for any customer in the state of Tennessee. Indeed we have many customers that drive several hours from as far as Memphis to deal with us on silencers. If you are out of Tennessee call us about our form 3 out of state pricing. If you are in Sevier, Blount, or Knox County, use us as your local gunstore of choice! Besides silencers we carry handguns, rifles, shotguns, ammunition, and accessories and all the normal stuff. Check out our other services below!

Services Price List:
NFA/ Class 3 transfers: $125
Laser engraving: $40 text engraved to legal depth. We regularly engrave Steel, Aluminum, Polymer, Titanium. We can engrave for Class 3 NFA work or whatever. For more Artsy type designs it may be more. For shallow cutting it may be less.
Trust Template: $150 (ask us about our reduced price promotion)
Form 1 efile NO TRUST: $125 (includes account setup, fingerprints, engraving....Everything)
Form 1 efile TRUST: $150 (includes account setup, fingerprints, engraving....Everything. Trusts are quite a bit more work on e-file system thus the higher price)
Fingerprints: $20 ($25 with passport photos) Generally done on FD258 FBI cards but we can do others upon request.
Gunsmithing: $10 minimum fee. $60 per hr
Private Lessons/ consultations. $60 per hr
Form 5 inheritance paperwork: $50 per form.
Notary Public Service: $10 (no charge if it related to a purchase in store)
Class 3 / Transferable Machine Gun estate valuations: No charge to $60 per hour. Give a us call.
Gun consignments: Completely depends. Give us a call